HomeEmotional health and wellbeing support - coronavirusChildren and Young People
Feeling concerned or overwhelmed by the news around coronavirus (COVID-19) is understandable, especially if you are struggling with your mental health or you have a physical illness. You could be feeling worried about your own health, or someone in your family, or what impact the virus will have on your life. Please click through the link below for for top tips, advice and information.
This poster was developed by a group of young people providing information about the current service offer to children and young people in Calderdale.
Young people came together to create 14 flash cards for students returning to education. The purpose of these cards are to help decrease stress levels surrounding any worries or queries that students might have. Please click here to view the cards.
Young people from Calderdale Young Commissioners, Tough Times Reference Group and SEND Reference Group have helped Healthy Futures Calderdale create Covid vaccination ‘worry cards’. This resource has been produced to help decrease stress levels and any worries or questions that young people might have. These top worries have been selected as the most frequent worries that young people said they are facing.
We encourage you to use the guide below to support your own emotional health and wellbeing when thinking about returning to school. This document was developed by a collaboration of young people from three young people’s groups in Calderdale and is aimed at secondary school aged students.
Kooth have produced tips and suggestions to support you emotionally for going back to school.
Kooth is a free, safe anonymous mental health community for children and young people aged 10 to 25. It’s open until 10pm every evening, 365 days a year. Young people can access Kooth’s counselling service and self help resources, such as: 10 ways you can manage coronavirus panic and Yoga for physical and mental wellbeing.
Time Out offers the opportunity to “find your thing”, get some simple guidance around emotional wellbeing, managing worries and looking after yourself.
Healthy Futures Calderdale offers advice and support from Public Health clinicians on any concerns you have relating to Covid-19, including worries about the return to school. Contact details: 0303 330 9974.
ChatHealth is a confidential and secure text messaging service for school-aged children, providing an additional means of accessing physical health and emotional wellbeing support during this difficult time. Contact details: 07480 635297 (text).
For specialist advice, support and training around drugs and alcohol, contact Branching Out direct on: 01422 415550. For specialist advice, support and training around sexual health, contact the Integrated Sexual Health Service on: 01422 261370.
Young people from across Calderdale have helped to create this guide for children and young people who are having to self-isolate because of COVID-19. The guide talks about why you would be asked to self-isolate, what you can do to take care of yourself whilst you are self-isolating, and who you can contact if you are struggling with isolation or have any other worries. Please follow the link below to view the PDF.
You might be wondering how coronavirus (COVID-19) could affect your sex life, relationships and sexual health. This link will take you to a short guide you will find advice, facts and top tips to keep you, your loved ones and your community safe.
1:1 support over the telephone or via a virtual platform. Providing emotional health and wellbeing support to young people and their families where people are questioning their sexual and/or gender identity.
The BREW project offers children and young people who present with personal, social, emotional, educational or professional concerns to access bespoke support sessions with one of our wellbeing team within 48 hours. Our wellbeing advisers are there to speak with, support and help find solutions to problems, concerns and issues that children and young people are experiencing through coronavirus, lockdown and the return to school.
A chat line to support, advise and guide children and young people in Calderdale and Kirklees about future options, jobs, CVs, interviews, training, school, college, apprenticeships, employability skills or anything else they may be feeling worried about.
The YoungMinds Crisis Messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support to young people under 25 across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text YM to 85258. It is free and confidential to text our service. Click here for further details.
If the current news on coronavirus (COVID-19) is making you feel anxious, concerned or stressed, this page will give you some things to do.
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing including mental health, money, homelessness, finding a job, break-ups and drugs.
The Mix also has loads of support around coronavirus. You can talk to them online or their free, confidential helpline.