HomeI'm feeling worriedHelp with what worries you
There are issues that we all face growing up, you may feel you are struggling with one or more of these issues right now. Here is a list of websites that can give you more information, help and guidance to support you through this time.
If the current news on coronavirus (COVID-19) is making you feel anxious, concerned or stressed please visit the Young Minds website for top tips on things you can do; or, you can visit our Emotional health and wellbeing support for coronavirus page.
Young people from Calderdale Young Commissioners, Tough Times Reference Group and SEND Reference Group have helped Healthy Futures Calderdale create Covid vaccination ‘worry cards’. This resource has been produced to help decrease stress levels and any worries or questions that young people might have. These top worries have been selected as the most frequent worries that young people said they are facing.