HomeI'm a parent or carerEmotional Health Support Services
For further information and informal support for your child’s emotional health, please look at these pages for more information.
If you, or your child need advice, signposting to a service or some advice please be encouraged to speak to a member of staff in your child’s education setting. In Calderdale, there are a range of services established in education settings, including peer support, family support, and counselling that can help.
The February 2021 parents and carers survey about their children’s emotional health and wellbeing gathered 1,078 feelings, views and thoughts over a 6-week period. The voice of parents and carers in Calderdale is important, valuable, and feed into services to ensure the right kind of support at the right time is given to children, young people and their families who are going through a difficult time.
This leaflet provides you and your child with some top tips, useful resources and links to local support services here in Calderdale.
This leaflet provides you and your child with some top tips, useful resources and links to local support services here in Calderdale.
This leaflet provides you and your child with some top tips, useful resources and links to local support services here in Calderdale.
This leaflet provides you and your child with some top tips, useful resources and links to local support services here in Calderdale.
Time Out will help your child ‘find their thing’, through activities such as arts, crafts, sports, singing and drama. Time Out is a self referral scheme for children and young people aged 10-19. Phone: 01422 345154 or 07388 990 229.
ChatHealth is an NHS-approved secure and confidential text messaging service. The number for young people aged 11-19: 07480 635297. For parents/carers of children aged 5-19 can text: 07507 332157 to start a conversation with an experienced clinician from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Messages outside this time will receive an automated response letting you know when you will receive a reply, and who to contact to get immediate help.
The BREW project offers children and young people who present with personal, social, emotional, educational or professional concerns to access bespoke support sessions with one of their wellbeing team. Wellbeing advisers are there to speak with, support and help find solutions to problems, concerns and issues that children and young people are experiencing through coronavirus, lockdown and the return to school.
Youth Works is a safe space for young people 11-25 to come along, ‘chill out’, have a chat, listen to music and access the internet. The drop-in is open weekdays at the Orangebox in Halifax from 3.30pm to 5.45pm. Phone: 01422 320 033.
The Youth Justice Team is a service for young people and their families who have become involved with the criminal justice system. Phone: 01422 368279.
Offers emotional support for people over 18 who are struggling emotionally. They are open 7 days a week, from 6.30pm every evening – with the latest available appointments at 10pm. Individuals who are struggling can have up to half an hour with a worker to talk through what’s happening and agree any next steps. You can contact Safespace on 01484 345154 or text 07388990227 to get through to a worker. You can also send a private message through Facebook messenger @safespace-Healthy Minds. A worker will contact you back and arrange an appointment for the same evening.
The young people’s Tough Times Reference Group created a survey to gather the views and opinions of their peers, aged 9-25, about mental health and emotional wellbeing. The survey included general questions on emotions, as well as more specific questions focusing on local services.