HomeI'm a school or college staff memberMental Health Support for Students
Feeling distressed or unhappy from time to time is normal, however if these feelings are persistent or causing a lot of worry for a student then you may need to talk to them about the professional help available in Calderdale.
If you feel a student who is under 18 years is struggling with their mental health you can contact Open Minds (CAMHS) in Calderdale who provide specialist mental health support for children and young people. Phone: 01422 300 001.
Open Minds (CAMHS) also offers training on mental health issues to schools in Calderdale, please email training@calderdalecamhs.org.uk to find out more.
VitaMinds are your local NHS talking therapies service. It’s a free service, offering a range of short-term psychological therapies to adults 18-years and over, who are registered with a GP in and live in Calderdale. Phone: 0333 0153 494 or refer online: vitahealthgroup.co.uk/vitaminds.
Night OWLS offers FREE emotional listening support and mental health crisis support for ALL children, young people, and their parents/carers across West Yorkshire between 8pm – 8am every night. Phone 0800 148 8244, Text 07984 376950 or go to the website to use the online chat function: www.wynightowls.org.uk .
The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust has developed this guidance to implement practical, relevant and effective mental health policies and procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for the many students affected both directly, and indirectly by mental ill health.
Samaritans offer a safe space for people to talk any time they like in their own way about whatever’s getting to them. You don’t have to be suicidal. Phone: 116 123 free from any phone.
Childline offers a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Phone: 0800 1111