HomeI need support for under 5'sSupport Teams for Professionals
This page is to help professionals who support children under the age of 5 and their families.
The Perinatal Mental Health Team specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and short-term treatment of women affected by a moderate to severe mental health problems during and after pregnancy. They offer advice for women planning pregnancy who have concerns about their mental health. Click here to find out more in their leaflet
We are responsible for:
The Early Years Improvement team give advice, support, guidance and information to:
The Early Years Improvement Team can offer advice, support and guidance on all aspects of running an Early Years or childcare service, including:
We work with Childcare Sufficiency and Portage and Early Years Support Teacher’s to offer a seamless service. Early Years Improvement Team work across Calderdale. To get in touch with an officer contact: Email QISO@calderdale.gov.uk Telephone 01422 394109
You can also visit the Calderdale website or the Calderdale Childcare Providers Facebook page
The Portage and Early Years Support Teacher (PEYST) team is nationally accredited Portage home visitors and qualified teachers. They work with families and Early Years providers. This is to make sure the youngest children with SEND get the extra educational support they need.
The team gives:
PEYST also work with health and care services. This is to make sure that targeted support is put in a child’s individual learning and development plan. Contact the PEYST team: Email peyst@calderdale.gov.uk Telephone 01422 392579
Or visit the Calderdale Website for the Local Offer for children with special needs or disabilities, or the Early Years SEN Support Facebook page.
Free and impartial service for parents and carers aimed at linking them with childcare and early education options in Calderdale. Signposting service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-20 looking to access local support groups. Advice on accessing the early education entitlements for children aged 2-4. Some children could be eligible for free education. Email eef@calderdale.gov.uk fis@calderdale.gov.uk Telephone 01422 392576
Or, you can visit the Calderdale website or the Calderdale Early Years Facebook page.
The team consists of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Therapy Assistants, all of whom have a wealth of experience in working with children with physical, sensory, speech, language and communication needs.
The Therapists work with children, parents and other relevant professionals in the most appropriate setting to help reduce the impact of their difficulty on their physical, social, emotional and educational development. All our qualified staff are registered and regulated by the Health Professions Council (HPC) and have up to date enhanced CRB checks.