HomeI'm under 17 years oldI feel like harming myself
Sometimes we find it hard to express what we’re feeling, or how we deal with things. Some people want to intentionally hurt themselves, or “self-harm” as a way to control certain emotions or situations. It’s important you speak to a trusted adult who can help (e.g. a GP, counsellor, or helpline).
If you have experienced persistant or overwhelming feelings of unhappiness, and you have tried other emotional health and wellbeing/mental health strategies and services which haven’t worked for you, you may need to consult First Point of Contact to make a referral into Open Minds (CAMHS) who provide specialist mental health support for children and young people.
Childline offers FREE confidential support over the telephone or online with a 1-1 councillor. No problem is too big or small.
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger provides FREE, text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers.
HOPELineUK offers FREE help to young people who maybe suffering with suicidal thoughts.
Samaritans offer a FREE safe space for you to talk any time you like in your own way about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.
Self-harm distraction techniques You can use these distraction techniques when you are feeling anger, fear, numb, shame, self-hatred and when you feel like you need control.
Self harm action plan This action plan aims to help you recognise what might trigger your self-harming, what your warning signs are, and what you need to do on a daily basis to minimise your self-harming behaviours.
Young Minds – No Harm Done This project is aimed at young people who are self harming or at risk of self harming, their parents and the professionals working with them. As part of No Harm Done, a series of resource packs were created for young people, parents and professionals.
Talking about self-harm is video from Mind. Young people talk about the reasons behind their self-harm, the different ways they have learned to cope and how they think friends and family could have supported them.
Young People and Self-Harm – a leaflet from Harmless, a mental health charity.
Self-Harm Factsheet This factsheet from Rethink Mental Illness looks at what self-harm is and why you may self-harm. It could help if you are using self-harm to cope with how you’re feeling, or if you are thinking about self-harming. It explains what support you can get and how to help yourself if you self-harm.