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If you’re concerned about a child or young person, please call the Multi Agency Screening Team on 01422 393336 during normal working hours. When MAST are unavailable, you can call the Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team on 01422 288000.
The Calderdale Safegaurding Children website provides training, resources and guidance suitable for professionals and volunteers who work with vulnerable childrenan young people.
You can also call the NSPCC helpline if you’re worried about a child or young person, or you need more advice on 0808 800 5000.
The Calderdale SEND Reference Group created 10 podcasts about top online safety tips for children and young people to keep them safe online. To listen to the podcast, click here.
“We felt as a group this is a crucial thing in this day and age as more children and young people have access to the internet and social media.”
Whether you are an online expert or you’re not sure where to start, the NSPCC’s tools and advice will help you keep your child safe. Whether you want to set up parental controls, adjust privacy settings or get advice on social networks, experts from the free O2 and NSPCC helpline are available to help: 0808 800 5002.
Is social media damaging the mental health of young people? The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust has produced this leaflet looking behind the headlines. The Trust also has more freely available resources to download or to order here.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command to keep children and young people safe.
This resource provides advice for parents about responding to their children viewing upsetting online content. This includes advice about blocking content and details of other sources of information and support for children and parents.