HomeI'm under 17 years oldI need school transition support
For most children moving from one school to another can be an exciting opportunity but for others, it can bring worry, pressure and stress.
Schools, parents/carers and other professionals understand how important a successful transition is for all children joining and leaving education settings.
In this section you will find information to support you through the transition process.
In school the teachers work hard to ensure you have a good and easy transition from your primary to secondary school. Here in Calderdale, we have a service called The Transition Support Project (TSP) which involves a partnership of local services working together to support children, parents/carers and school staff. The service supports pupils in years 5 & 6 to help manage the emotional part of moving school. They offer:
If you are struggling with the thought of moving schools, please talk to your teacher, they will be able to help you.
Worry is a normal emotion but it’s important to know that you can talk to someone if you’re feeling worried. You can talk to your teachers, or a school nurse but there are also other people and services you can go to if you’re feeling worried.
Elena and Evie share their top tips about how to deal with transition.
Moving Up! A transition to secondary school animation: This animation is aimed at supporting pupils who have recently started Year 7. It was developed in collaboration with young people, teachers and mental health experts.
Childline, Moving Schools: This is a great resource to share with students who are transitioning to a new school.